About Us

  • Al Billington

    Al Billington

    Writer & Editor

    Al is a mechanical engineer with a passion for designing and modeling. He has been working with 3D printers for over 6 years and has thousands of print hours into printing custom orders and products for our Etsy store. Al loves designing new things and expanding on existing ideas, and testing the limits of what is possible to 3D print.

  • Daniel English

    Daniel English

    Writer & Editor

    Daniel is a software engineer who got into 3D printing as a new way to tinker. His first printer 10 years ago was a Prusa i3 clone with a wooden frame that took a weekend to assemble and many hours of frustration to calibrate. Somehow, he came out of that with an appreciation for the technical side of 3D printing, and has been experimenting ever since.

  • Kyle Perkuhn

    Kyle Perkuhn


    Kyle is a mechanical engineer whose curiosity led him to add many small improvements to his daily life through 3D printing. Motivated by creativity, Kyle looks for opportunities to apply 3D printing in new ways.

  • Mark Lanctot

    Mark Lanctot


    Mark is a chemical engineer, obsessed with everything technical his entire life. He only recently started 3D printing, but as with everything, compulsively researched the subject thoroughly and continues to learn. He also wants to develop his 3D design skills. Mark is always looking for that one really cool spool of filament, despite having several years’ supply already.

  • Joseph Schudt

    Joseph Schudt


  • Opie Cain

    Opie Cain


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