3D Printer Brands

Anycubic Brand Overview

Mark Lanctot

Brand At a Glance

Year Founded 2015
Category Budget
Country of Origin China
Size of Online Community Small
Manufacturer Support Limited
Availability of Parts Widely available

Anycubic is a budget line of Creality Ender 3-like clones, known for offering more features than Creality printers but at lower prices. Founded in 2015, Anycubic is currently focusing on their Kobra series printers with a variety of ease-of-use features and attractive pricing.

Getting Started Experience

Anycubic’s 3D printers are considered very beginner-friendly due to their approachable price points and abundance of user-friendly features. All Anycubic printers come with auto bed leveling, many have direct-drive extruders, and most have PEI build surfaces, making them accessible for users new to 3D printing.

Support and Online Community

Anycubic boasts a large community, with their Facebook page having over 200,000 followers. Their official Facebook User Group has 40,000 members. While they do not have official forums, they maintain Facebook, Reddit, and Discord groups for support and discussion. Anycubic offers after-sales support through their website but has a low rating on Trustpilot.com (1.5 out of 5 with 73 reviews as of this writing).

Recommended Anycubic 3D Printers

Anycubic is currently focusing on their Kobra series of printers. The Kobra fits many premium features into a sub-$300 price point printer, including a direct drive extruder and completely automatic 25-point inductive bed leveling. It also features a rough textured removable spring steel PEI-coated bed (one of our favorite bed materials) and a 4.3” touchscreen controller.

Anycubic Kobra Neo

Year Released: 2022
Price Range: $225 - 250
Build Volume:
220 x 220 x 250 mm
(~8.75 x 8.75 x 10 in)

The Kobra Max is one of the largest open frame 3D printers currently available. It has an immense 400 X 400 X 450 mm print volume. It uses a strain gauge auto leveling system and has a carborundum-coated tempered glass bed.

The Kobra Max also uses a dual gear Bowden-type extruder and the print head has dual cooling fans. The extremely tall gantry has two diagonal braces and dual Z axis motors synchronized by a belt. Because of its size, the print bed is supported by two Y axis rails driven by one large motor with two shafts. All belts have tensioners. It is equipped with a 4.3” touchscreen.

Anycubic Kobra Max

Year Released: 2022
Price Range: $725 - 750
Build Volume:
400 x 400 x 450 mm
(~15.75 x 15.75 x 17.75 in)

Type of User

We recommend Anycubic 3D printers for beginners on a budget seeking more features than Creality 3D printers offer. Anycubic’s printers provide a balance of affordability and functionality, making them an excellent choice for those new to the 3D printing world.

Pros and Cons of Anycubic 3D Printers


  • Well-reviewed 3D printers with many ease-of-use features at competitive prices
  • All Kobra series printers come with automatic bed leveling
  • Many Kobra series printers come with direct-drive extruders


  • Reputation for poor support, as evidenced by their low Trustpilot rating
  • The Kobra’s extruder is primitive and may suffer from more wear in a short span of time due to its use of less durable plastic gears
  • Some users may not like Anycubic printers’ cosmetic appearance, which includes many plastic components and trim pieces

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