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Sovol SV06 ACE
About the Sovol SV06 ACE
The Sovol SV06 ACE updates Sovol's earlier SV06. The SV06 was released just before 3D printer manufacturers rushed to release fast, Klipper-powered competitor machines to Bambu Lab's printers. The SV06 corrects that oversight, addressing nearly every deficiency of the SV06 (which is a good fundamental design despite its low speed). It now uses two Z axis motors for powerful, accurate Z axis movement. The Z axis linear rods are now the stronger 10mm rods used on the SV06 Plus rather than the 8mm rods used on the older SV06. The X and Y axis linear rods and bearings have been replaced by metal wheels running on metal rails. This is all to allow higher speeds of up to 600mm/s and acceleration of 20,000 mm/s^2, which is a huge increase over the SV06. This is enabled by open-source Klipper and is controlled using a 4.3" color touchscreen, an improvement over the monochrome LCD display with knob on the SV06. The print size is unchanged at 220 X 220 X 250mm. The all-metal extruder has been improved by replacing the conventional 4010 blower fan with a much stronger 4020 12,000 RPM blower fan and by replacing the conventional cartridge heater with a faster and more powerful ceramic heater. An LED light and camera have been added. The cable between the mainboard and the extruder board has been replaced by a thin, very flexible USB-C cable rather than the older stiff, flat cable. The induction levelling probe has been replaced by a nozzle strain levelling system which also enables auto Z offset. Klipper adds resonance compensation and linear advance to keep print quality high at higher speed. The SV06 ACE interfaces to the network using WiFi and is accessible using OrcaSlicer or using the Fluidd web interface directly to the Klipper firmware. The removable, flexible magnetic PEI-coated steel bed has also been upgraded to be double-sided to extend its life.
Benefits of the Sovol SV06 ACE
Modern mainboard features - Many 3D printer features relate to the version of the mainboard and firmware, including features like resuming prints after a power failure and support for silent stepper motor drivers for quieter printing. Newer boards also include safety features like thermal runaway protection which shuts the printer down if it detects issues with overheating.
Auto bed leveling - auto bed leveling will ensure your prints have perfect first layers every time and greatly reduce issues with bed adhesion. When using an auto-leveling system, the probe allows better tolerances for slightly warped print beds by measuring and compensating for any inconsistencies. Without this feature, you'll need to adjust the bed level manually using nuts on each corner of the print bed.
Has touch screen - having a touch screen isn't a deal-maker or breaker, but it is a convenient feature that makes it easier to navigate the interface when you are printing files and configuring 3D printing settings.
Easy to assemble - This 3D printer is shipped with most of the parts pre-assembled, and you will only need to attach a few components and connect a couple cables in order to get the machine ready to print.
Direct drive extruder - Direct drive extruders are mounted right above the hot end, and push the filament directly into it, as opposed to a side mounted bowden extruder setup. We prefer direct drive extruders to bowden since they are less prone to jamming and typically require less maintenance. they also are much easier to use with flexible materials
PEI build surface has good balance of adhesion and part removal - PEI beds are one of the more premium build surface options, and for good reason. They offer great first layer adhesion with no spraysor other treatments, and can be flexed to quickly remove parts. You'll need to clean the bed with a solvent like acetone or IPA every so often to maintain the bed's adhesion.
Affordable - This printer does not include a lot of frills, but offers a good experience for a low price point. While this low price means you won't be getting the most premium features, you can still get a lot out of these machines if you are willing to put up with some missing quality of life features.
Wireless printing - In addition to the standard USB and SD card connections, you can connect wirelessly to this printer to print from your computer or mobile device.
Linear rail motion system - Linear rails provide added stability to the moving parts of the printer, allowing higher printing speeds without sacrificing quality. Keep in mind that the most important factor to consider when optimizing for print speed is the flow rate of filament, which depends on the hot end and nozzle size moreso than the motion system.
All-metal hot end - An all-metal hot end allows for printing at high temperatures up to 300C, while standard hot ends are capped at 260C before the PTFE material begins to degrade. All-metal hot ends are also less susceptible to jamming, and do not degrade as fast.
Dual gear extruder - A dual gear extruder grips filament from both sides and can exert much more force on the filament before slipping. It helps with all filaments but especially with flexible, slippery TPU.
Where to buy the Sovol SV06 ACE
Brand Summary: Sovol
Sovol is a 3D printer brand known for producing innovative printers with more features than their competitors at a lower price. Their printers are beginner-friendly and have good build quality, but their entry-level printer, the SV01, lacks a bed leveling probe. While Sovol's community is still establishing itself, the company's support is well-regarded, and they have over 80,000 users. Sovol has experimented with complex dual extrusion features, which led to clogging problems and quality issues in some of their previous models. However, their current printers, such as the SV06 Plus, offer impressive features like 25-point auto bed leveling and a 500W bed heater. Sovol's varied printers appeal to different users, from new users to advanced users.
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